Monday, February 8, 2010

an update

OKAY, so that band me and my friend Matt made, well i left the band. i wasn't feeling where it was going or the style. so i handed that over to my good good friend Cody. but im in a band with the guitar player for LLS and its like southern guitar meets, awesome punk drumming meets, mewithoutyou. its pretty awesome. but i really want to start a one-man-band, (by myself, obviously.) i was thinking like a hard scars on broadway type of style (if you don't know who that is... well too bad, you're missing out)(beware, that band does use foul language, but if you're not against that you'll like them.). but today!! my dog ran away at like noonish, i didn't worry about it (cause she always comes right back.). but, i started to worry when she was gone a whole hour and a half. So i put on my snow stuff (it was about 15 degrees, and snowing out) and went out to look for her. i walked around for about 45 minutes, and didn't find her, i was really sad. so then i went home, and just hung out to see if she got back. i was downstairs came up and saw that my other dog was looking out the window, so i opened the door and there she was, cold, muddy, and happy to see me. i had to give her a bath and clean up the bathroom from that, but all-in-all im just happy my dog lived for four hours out in the snow and cold and is alright and at home now. Thanks,

Thursday, January 7, 2010


SO, gentlemen (and i guess women) (if women would actaully ever in their life time travel 2.475 light-years away from where they will end to read this) (no that would to much like heven). wow... ok so like a month ago me and my friend matt started a band. its like up-beat indie. we had an acoustic show. the feeling were so weird and awesome at the same time. like, i got up there and i was terrified!! and them started playing and felt better, until i freakin' got off beat on the first song. i felt like an idiot (especially because my dad, sister and best friend were in the front row... didn't help). but after the whole show and everything me and matt found a guitar player (caleb if you need to know), and we're supposed to practice but the weather's been pretty crappy, so we haven't got to yet. but im super excited! matt did some small recording of stuff just by himself on myspace. its;

thanks so much. PEACE!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Band? What band?

so lately me and my good friend Alex have been talking about making a band together. and we're still trying to figure out how its going to work. but really the fun of a band is improvising. but we figured out what we want to do and kinda what we're looking at. we want to see if we can get lke one or two more drummers cause we want to take after Slipknot in this part and have three percussionists. Alex is saving his money to get a turn table and DJ aquipment. i just bought a drum set and im hopefully going to get a guitar and ukulele soon..

here's a more outer look at it.
Alex; wants to be the DJ, and percussion.
I; want to be the lead drummer, and guitarist, and i haven't talked to him about this but back-up vocals.
we need; a singer (it would be cool if he could play guitar or something. a lead guitarist. one or two (two would be nice) percussionists. and i don't know if we're going to want a bassist, but it would be nice.

so really we're taking alot of things from Slipknot, the percussion, and a big band.
we want to play music kinda like them, the best way to explain it is, Slipknot + SOAD + Daft punk + FUN = pure awesome. we want to be different. very creative. always have fun. but most of all we want to serve our God. so we'll see how it turns out. watch it end up just me and Alex making music to the masses. ha i'd be fine ith that, but i like connecting with other people so who knows.

Monday, November 30, 2009

pictures from tenessee

when we first got our cabin in tenessee we had
to wait for my grandparents to get there to let
us in the cabin we were staying in.
so i started walking on a trail. and i found a gap
in the trees and took this.

i took this one just a little way off the trail, that
i took the other one. but i had to climb a little cliff
(which was fun) and while i was up there i took
this one..

the cabin on the botton right is the cabin we
stayed in. i took this one just a little ways up
the road. i love this picture.

Good ol' Tenessee

I just got back from tenessee, for my cousins wedding, and to celebrate my grandpa's 85th birthday. it was alot of fun. i got to know one of my aunts i've never really met before. i learned soon after i met her that she might be crazier than me. but i had tons of fun, took some cool pictures, and so on and so on..

the sight from up in the mountains was just gorgeous. the cabin we stayed in had tons of windows, that looked out to the other mountains across the valley.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

star wars nerd

so, im the kind of guy who doesn't like reading, accept the accational horror book. and a new horror book just came out, its called "death troopers" its a star wars horror series that just came im going to try to read all of them very excited.

bla bla bla bla bla

leaving to go to a wedding is hard. especially when you can't see any of your friends for a whole week. hopefully it'll be fun. i'll take alot of pictures cause after the wedding we're going to this hotel cabin thing in the mountains to celebrate my grandpa's 85th birhtday. so i'll just try to stay in touch with friends. take some cool pics, and not die.