Monday, February 8, 2010

an update

OKAY, so that band me and my friend Matt made, well i left the band. i wasn't feeling where it was going or the style. so i handed that over to my good good friend Cody. but im in a band with the guitar player for LLS and its like southern guitar meets, awesome punk drumming meets, mewithoutyou. its pretty awesome. but i really want to start a one-man-band, (by myself, obviously.) i was thinking like a hard scars on broadway type of style (if you don't know who that is... well too bad, you're missing out)(beware, that band does use foul language, but if you're not against that you'll like them.). but today!! my dog ran away at like noonish, i didn't worry about it (cause she always comes right back.). but, i started to worry when she was gone a whole hour and a half. So i put on my snow stuff (it was about 15 degrees, and snowing out) and went out to look for her. i walked around for about 45 minutes, and didn't find her, i was really sad. so then i went home, and just hung out to see if she got back. i was downstairs came up and saw that my other dog was looking out the window, so i opened the door and there she was, cold, muddy, and happy to see me. i had to give her a bath and clean up the bathroom from that, but all-in-all im just happy my dog lived for four hours out in the snow and cold and is alright and at home now. Thanks,